martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

My opinion

All the activities that we have done during the first semester here was interesting because there werent repetitive like the other projects in the other subjects or difficult to do because there werent boring and the time to realize them was considerable.
The movie reviews help me in grammar and vocabulary because i didnt used to write frecuently in english so when i was writing the review i had improvised but im comfortable with that work and the videoblogs i think that i need to be more  responsable because the quality of that videos was bad and it werent edited to make it more atracttive but in the other hand my speaking was a little god becuase the things that i have said was improvised, with out an outline, but it would be great if i practice the speaking about the fluency and learn more vocabulary too make the sentences  correctly in grammar aspects.
I think that it would be best if there wer more proyects because they help me to develop and get best in english and to use more the digital tools or activities and to help our english development would be great
if the teacher show our wrongs and taught them to learn more an avoid doing the same mistake.

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